
Gordon Lowe Talk

Professor Gordon Lowe : Lots of Clots in Scots Gordon’s witty title disguised the underlying serious nature of his talk on blood clots, heart disease and related conditions.  I am sure when most of the members will remember from their

James Curran Cop26

James Curran MBE FRSE : Scotland’s contribution to CoP26 – a joined-up Just Transition James Curran, our guest speaker and formerly CEO of the Scottish Environment Protection Agency, engineered a novel event for Probus.  This entailed joining an international webinar


Abstract  The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow was founded in 1599 by surgeon Peter Lowe, physician Robert Hamilton and apothecary William Spang. They set out to improve the standards of medicine and surgery in the West of

Gordon Masterton

Gordon is a civil and structural engineer with international experience in the design and programme management of civil engineering infrastructure. He was appointed to the Chair of Future Infrastructure at the University of Edinburgh in September 2015 and founded the

James Curran

James originally researched in meteorology/oceanography. Previously CEO Scottish Environment Protection Agency, served on government groups including climate change and biodiversity. Ran own eco-business and, occasionally, worked in consultancy. Was Chair of James Hutton Institute and, currently, serves on Board of

Mass Vasile

Space Research in a Scottish Context For most of us Massimiliano’s talk on Scottish Space Research was a real revelation.  Scotland may be struggling to build two ferries but elsewhere great strides are being made in space engineering, astronomy and


Summary:  Vaccines against Covid19 have been an important focus of our efforts to combat the pandemic. In this session, Drs Katie Brooks, James Brock and Georgia Perona-Wright will discuss how the vaccines work, how the immune response provides protection, and