AGM 2017
At the AGM the Club’s new committee was appointed/ re-elected. The outcome is as follows :
President : Alistair McFarlane
Vice President : Committee authorized to co-opt future VP* (See footnote)
Hon Secretary : Stewart Roy
Hon Treasurer : Ken Fyfe
Welfare Officer : Robin Leake
Committee Members : John Allan, Arthur Allison, Shaun Digges, Archie Henderson, John McFadyen and Robbie Mitchell
Probus Account Examiners : David Allen & Vivian Clement
Kelvin Probus voted to amend its club constitution to allow women members. The Club has been all male since it was founded in 1989. The change will have immediate effect. The Club currently has 85 members, but has an agreed maximum of 100. Application forms may be obtained from the Club Secretary.
* Footnote : The following Committee meeting agreed that a sub-committee will be established to assist future incoming presidents find speakers and help arrange the programme.
2017 AGM