(First adopted 5 May 1989 and updated to 24 May 2022)
Title and area
The Club shall be called the “Kelvin Probus Club” and shall draw its membership from that part of Glasgow within the City boundary which lies North of the River Clyde and West of the River Kelvin.
Aims and Objects
The aim of the Club is to facilitate social contact among men and women retired from professional and business careers.
In pursuit of its aim the Club will
- arrange and deliver a regular programme of talks, debates and similar events by invited speakers or members, for its members and guests,
- provide other occasional social activities, including group visits and walks, for its members and guests,
- foster fellowship among its members by maintaining contact with them and awareness of their circumstances.
- Membership shall be open to professional and business people who are resident in, or had business activities in the defined area, and have fully or partly retired from their normal profession or business. Membership shall normally be restricted to those who are at least 60 years of age.
- An application for membership shall be sponsored by two existing members and approved by the Executive Committee.
- The total membership shall be decided by the Executive Committee.
- Members leaving the area may retain their membership.
- Associate Membership without limit of age will be available to any current member who is no longer able to attend club meetings for medical or personal reasons, but who wishes to retain his or her connection with the Club. Associate Members will not pay an annual subscription, and will not be entitled to vote at General Meetings of the Club. They will continue to receive an annual syllabus and other Club notices, and may attend Club outings if able to do so. Applications to transfer to Associate Membership must be submitted in writing to the Secretary for approval by the Executive Committee. The maximum membership limit for the Club will not include the number of Associate Members at any time.
Management of the Club
The activities of the Club shall be managed by the undernoted committees elected by the membership, comprising Office-bearers and a designated number of members.
- Office-bearers
There shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer
- Elections
Elections shall be held at the Annual General Meeting to take place no more than 9 weeks after the end of the financial year on the 31st March. Each elected individual shall serve for one year and be eligible for re-election but normally on not more than two consecutive occasions. The Vice President shall normally succeed as President in the following session.
- Nominations
Any member of the Club may nominate or be nominated for committee membership; self-nomination is acceptable. To be valid a nomination must be seconded by another member. Valid nominations shall be sought in time to be received by the Honorary Secretary no less than two weeks before the date of the Annual General Meeting..
- Committees
Executive Committee (responsible for the business of the Club, its finances, strategy and policy, and empowered to act on the Club’s behalf)
Vice President
and two other members
Programme Committee (to devise, arrange and propose the Club’s programme)
Vice President
and three other members
Individual members may serve on more than one committee.
The committees may co-opt individuals from the general membership to carry specific responsibilities. Co-opted individuals will serve for the duration of their session of co-option. The committees may form sub-committees of their members.
- Committee Meetings
The Executive Committee will meet at least twice a year, either in person or virtually, and additionally as called by the Secretary.
The Programme Committee will meet at least twice a year, either in person or virtually, and additionally as called by the Convener.
- Three members of the Executive Committee including the President or Vice President, and three members of the Programme committee including the Convener or the Vice President shall each constitute a quorum
- The Club shall hold regular meetings at a place and time to be determined by the Executive Committee.
- An Annual General Meeting shall be held no more than 9 weeks after the end of the financial year each year at such time and place as may be determined by the Executive Committee and at least three weeks’ notice of such meeting shall be given to members.
- Voting at all meetings shall be by show of hands or by ballot, if so determined.
- In the event of an equal division of votes, the chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote.
- In the absence of the President or Vice-President from a regular meeting of the Club, the meeting shall be chaired by a Past-President.
- A Special General Meeting may be called on the written request of not fewer than seven members stating the subject to be discussed.
- Any notice of resolution must be in the hands of the Secretary, in writing, at least four weeks prior to the meeting at which the resolution is to be put forward.
An Income and Expenditure Account for the twelve months to 31st. March and a Statement of Funds at 31st. March in each year, having been audited by two members who shall have been appointed at the previous Annual General Meeting, shall be presented for approval to the Annual General Meeting. Authority is given for the operation of a bank account in the name of the Club and all cheques and withdrawals shall be signed by any two of the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.
The Annual Subscription shall be fixed at the Annual General Meeting and should be paid before the 31st. October.