AGM 2019





Apologies were intimated from Willie Begg, Gordon Barclay, Douglas Cook, Ron Hockey, Robin Hutchison, Nick Kuenssberg; and Harry Ramsay.


The Minute of the twenty-ninth Annual General Meeting of the Club, held on 24th April 2018, had been approved by the Committee as being a true record. On this basis, the adoption of the Minute as a correct record was proposed by Robin Leake, and seconded by Willie Ross.

President’s Report.

Reflecting on his year as President of Kelvin Probus, Angus Murchison commented on the tantalising task of compiling a programme of speakers and topics both local and international. All had not gone totally according to plan, with some late call-offs, but thankfully suitable replacements had been found, even at short notice. Angus expressed his thanks to those who had stepped into the breach. Angus recorded his thanks to the members of the Club Committee who did a lot of sterling work behind the scenes; he welcomed the support they had given him over the last year.

Secretary’s Report.

Stewart Roy presented the Secretary’s Report for Session 2018-19, which had already been circulated to all members, commenting that he had not expected to be called upon to do so when he had handed over the position of Club Secretary to David Moir the previous year. However, David’s illness in January had led to his (Stewart’s) resumption of the secretarial duties, until a new nomination was found.

In his report, Stewart commented that the membership of the Club had fallen to below 80, and he urged members to make strenuous efforts to recruit new members as a top priority in order to maintain the life-blood of the Club. With regard to the appointment of the next Vice-President – there being no nomination as yet – he reported on the decision of the Committee to establish a Programme Support Committee. The main task of this new committee would be to assist in the preparation of the annual syllabus of suitable speakers. This task would no, longer be left to the Vice-President to complete unaided. It was hoped that this would make the Vice-President’s task much less daunting in this regard. The new Committee would also help to identify members who could propose the vote of thanks to speakers at each meeting, and also to bring forward suggestions for visits and outings. In all of these tasks, members of the Club were invited and encouraged to bring forward ideas and suggestions.

The change of date of the Club Annual General Meeting had been queried, since the Club Constitution specified that the AGM should be held in April, and not May. The Secretary undertook to raise this with the Club Committee, who would consider whether the Constitution should be amended.

Treasurer’s Report.

Vivian Clement presented the Annual Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2019, and gave a detailed commentary on the figures. Expenditure for the year had exceeded income by £252, due mainly to the drop in membership numbers resulting in less income from subscriptions, and a deficit on the Christmas lunch. In addition, the Committee had agreed that speakers should receive a tangible expression of thanks form the Club, either in the form of a voucher or a bouquet of flowers, as appropriate. Notwithstanding these adverse items of expenditure, the Club’s overall financial position was a healthy one, and no increase in the annual subscription was recommended. Vivian also mentioned donations to charity, namely £130 from the whisky bottle which had been donated to the Sailors’ Society; £150 to GALGAEL, and £220 from donations by members to the Blawarthill Food Bank.

In conclusion, Vivian recorded his thanks to the Examiners of the Club’s Accounts, David Allen and Robin Hutchison, for their scrutiny of the details behind the figures set out in the Annual Accounts.


On the recommendation of the Club Committee, the meeting approved the proposal that there should be no increase in the annual subscription, which would remain at £30 for the coming session, 2019 – 2020.

Election of President.

On the nomination of the Committee John Walls was installed by acclamation as the 31st  President for session 2019/2020. The outgoing President, Angus Murchison, presented John with his President’s badge.  After being invested with the chain of office and presented with the President’s lapel badge, President John Walls took the chair.   John thanked Angus for his conduct of the year and presented him with his Past-President’s lapel badge.

Election of Vice-President and Office-bearers.

President John Walls informed the meeting that to date there had been no success in identifying someone to be nominated as Vice-President.  He appealed for any volunteers who might wish to fill this vacancy, or the vacant place on the Committee. He hoped to bring forward nominations in due course.

The President proposed the continuing appointment of Stewart Roy as Acting Honorary Secretary and the appointment of Vivian Clement as Honorary Treasurer.   Both nominations were approved by acclamation.

Appointment of Examiners.

The President informed the meeting that David Allen was willing to continue as one of the Examiners of the Club accounts, and that Robin Hutchison was willing to take over as the other Examiner (replacing Vivian Clement) the meeting unanimously agreed to their appointment for session 2018-19.

Club Meetings and Activities.

Before drawing the meeting to a conclusion, the President invited members to respond to a series of questions regarding the Club’s future activities. He asked if there might be interest in varying the format of regular meetings from time to time. Was there any support for another debate, for example? The quiz had also been a success; would members wish to see that repeated?  Would a “Desert Island Disc” event be of interest? What other types of events might be of interest, and what subjects and speakers would members welcome? Should the boundaries of the Club be re-defined, and should the Club advertise itself, e.g. in local churches where the membership had a substantial base? Would it be worthwhile making use of social media such as Facebook in this regard?

There followed a wide-ranging discussion of the issues raised, and Robin Leake appealed for further input from members when they had time to reflect upon the ideas which had been mentioned. It was suggested that other groups might be formed, along the lines of the walking group, and the former golf and bowling groups. In this context, Robin Leake informed the meeting that he had been approached by a friend who was a member of Crieff Probus who were interested in setting up a golf match between the two clubs, and it was agreed that the Secretary should contact members to see if there was sufficient interest to follow up on the suggestion. In more general terms, it was suggested that a questionnaire be circulated to all members to sound out opinion on the various suggestions being mooted and to invite further ideas.

John Walls thanked everyone for the views and ideas which had been put forward, and undertook to discuss these in full with the Club Committee.

Any other competent business.    

There being no further business the President thanked the members for their attendance and declared the AGM closed.


AGM 2019